En el marco de las actividades formativas organizadas por las comisiones académicas de los programas de postgrado MIPE y DIPE, el Dr. William Penuel, profesor en University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, realizará distintas actividades los días 25 y 27 de mayo de 2015.

El profesor William Penuel es en la actualidad uno de los máximos referentes en las llamadas Ciencias del Aprendizaje (Learning Sciences) y promotor del proyecto financiado por la Fundación MacArthur «CONNECTED LEARNING» (http://connectedlearning.tv/), así como de la metodología de investigación e intervención «DESIGN BASED IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCH» (http://learndbir.org/). Es profesor de Educación y Ciencias del Aprendizaje en la Universidad de Colorado, Boulder, EE.UU., y uno de los autores en ciencias del aprendizaje de orientación sociocultural más citados y referenciados en la actualidad: http://scholar.google.es/citations?user=werkEPcAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao. Sus áreas de especialización comprenden la formación docente, programas extraescolares, evaluación, desarrollo curricular, desarrollo de los intereses, tecnologías del aprendizaje, relaciones entre identidad y aprendizaje, entre otros.

– Conferencia “Learning, identity and the development of science-linked identities» en la Universitat de Girona

Fecha: 25 de mayo de 2015

Hora: 12:30 a 13:30h

Lugar: UdG- Sala d’Actes de la FEP

– Workshop “Design-Based Implementation Research” en la Universitat de Girona

Fecha: 25 de mayo de 2015

Hora: 17:00 a 20:00h

Lugar: UdG- Sala d’Actes de la FEP

– Workshop “Studying interest-related activities and identity through the Connected Learning Model” en la Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha: 27 de mayo de 2015

Hora: 11:00 a 14:00h

Lugar: Aula Máster (2ª planta- 2º vagón), Edificio Ponent, Campus Mundet, Universitat de Barcelona


Los estudiantes del MIPE-DIPE interesados en la conferencia y/o workshop a realizarse en la Universitat de Girona deben inscribirse enviando un mensaje al Dr. Moisés Esteban: moises.esteban@udg.edu.

Los estudiantes del MIPE-DIPE interesados en el workshop a realizarse en la Universitat de Barcelona deben inscribirse enviando un mensaje al correo: seguimientomipedipe@gmail.com

Se adjunta información del autor según su página web:

“Professor Penuel began his career in the field of youth development, developing expertise in program development and evaluation. In his doctoral and early career research, he developed a framework that integrated traditional psychosocial perspectives on identity formation with Vygotskian theories of development. As Director of Evaluation Research at the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI International, Professor Penuel developed a broad program of education research in STEM education. During his thirteen years at SRI, he conducted a variety of design, assessment, and evaluation research studies and developed expertise in educational technologies, classroom assessment, implementation research, and large-scale cluster randomized trials of educational innovations.

Professor Penuel’s current research focuses on teacher learning and organizational processes that shape the implementation of educational policies, school curricula, and afterschool programs. He examines learning and development from sociocultural, social capital, and complex social systems perspectives. In one project funded by the National Science Foundation, he is developing and testing models of teacher professional development related to the Next Generation Science Standards. In another project with Cynthia Coburn (Northwestern University) funded by the William T. Grant Foundation, he is studying the dynamics of research-practice partnerships focused on instructional improvement in mathematics. Two of Professor Penuel’s current projects, Synergies (Noyce Foundation, with John Falk and Lyn Dierking of Oregon State University) and the Longitudinal Study of Connected Learning (MacArthur Foundation), are examining how children’s interests develop over time and across different kinds of settings.

Professor Penuel’s teaching interests focus on research methodologies for the learning sciences, adolescent development, and educational technology. He recently developed a new course for the Education Minor called Learning with Technology in and out of School. Professor Penuel is the author of over 60 refereed journal articles and conference papers. He recently edited two National Society for the Study of Education Yearbooks: Learning Research as a Human Science (2010; with Kevin O’Connor) and Design-Based Implementation Research (2013; with Barry Fishman, Anna-Ruth Allen, Nora Sabelli, & Britte Cheng). Professor Penuel serves on the editorial board for Teachers College Record, American Journal of Evaluation, and Cognition and Instruction. He served as co-chair (with Susan Jurow and Kevin O’Connor) of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, which was hosted at CU-Boulder in June 2014.”

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