Research group on interaction and educational influence, GRINTIE Coord.: Dra. Anna Engel
Reading, writing and critical thinking: learning and intervention LECRAI Coord.: Mercè García-Milà & Núria Castells
Research group parenting and development in typycally develloping children and children with disabilities, PADIND Coord.: Dra. Rosa M. Vilaseca & Dra. Magda Rivero
Reserach group on comunication, oral language and diversity , CLOD Coord.: Dra. Marta Gràcia
Research group on human development, social intervention and interculturality, SINTE-DEHISI Coord.: Dr. José Luis Lalueza
Research group on identity and teaching strategies, SINTE-IdentitES Coord.: Dr. Carles Monereo
Research group on peer-learning, SINTE-GRAI Coord.: Dr. David Duran
Early childhood, families & education research team, SINTE-ERIFE Coord.: Dra. Sílvia Blanch
Research group on culture, education and human development, GRICEDH Coord.: Dr. Moisès Esteban
Research group Seminar on Identity & New Trajectories in Education, SINTE-URL Coord.: Dra. Montserrat Castelló
Research group on diversity attention GRAD Coord.: Dr. Jesús Soldevila-Pérez