En el marco de las actividades formativas organizadas por las comisiones académicas de los programas de postgrado MIPE y DIPE, el Dr. Otto Kruse, profesor en Zurich University of Applied Sciences, impartirá el seminario “Academic Writing and the Research Process”
Fecha: 11 y 12 de mayo de 2015
Hora: 9:00 a 14:00h
Lugar: La Tamarita-URL. Passeig Sant Gervasi, 47,08022 Barcelona. Se informará directamente a los inscritos el número de aula donde tendrá lugar el seminario.
Inscripciones: Los estudiantes del MIPE-DIPE interesados deben inscribirse al seminario enviando un mensaje a la Dra. Montserrat Castelló Badia [montserratcb@blanquerna.url.edu]
The workshop will lead the participants will through a series of short prompts demonstrating the critical issues of research-based writing. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect their own dissertations in order to get a new understanding of the writing process, the communicative arrangement of discursive writing and get a new perspective on feedback and language use in research. Short inputs will complement the prompts and give attach the workshop to writing theory.
Monday, 11, May, 2015
1. Interactions of writing and research (9:00 – 10:30h)
Participants look at the interactions of writing and research and learn what the main determinants of academic writing are; they reflect on the relationship between critical thinking, discursive communication, and empirical research and transfer this to their own dissertation projects.
2. Reproduction of texts, intertextuality, and knowledge development (10:45 – 12:00h)
Participants reflect on the meaning of summarizing for knowledge production in their disciplines and learn what the meanings behind citation practices are. They study the rhetorical side of writing with respect to intertextuality and learn what author roles and author identities are available in disciplinary discourse communities. They reflect their own role in as dissertation writers.
3. Genre and the structure of the research article (12:15 – 14:00h)
Participants reflect the structure of their dissertation projects and learn about the meaning of genres for writing. They understand what the basic structure of all reporting genres (dissertation, research article, abstract, proposals, conference presentations) is and how this applies to their dissertation projects.
Tuesday, 12, May, 2015
4. Linguistic norms and literacy development (9:00 – 10:30h)
Participants look through some of the essential features of academic language (self-reference, hedging, meta discourse, evidentiality etc.) and do short exercised to understand the usage of such linguistic means. They reflect on their own literacy development with respect to the multi-lingual situation of European universities and the role of English as a publication and communication language.
5. Feedback and collaborative writing (10:45 – 12:00h)
Participants do a short exercise on electronic feedback and reflect on the uses and practices of successful peer feedback. They make a plan on the kinds of collaboration and feedback they need in their own dissertation projects.
6. Round-up and evaluation (12:15 – 14:00h)
Open questions and left-over issues.
Participants are asked to bring lap tops for those prompts which require internet communication.