En el marco del proyecto europeo «Researcher Identity Development», el equipo SINTE-Lest de la URL organiza unas jornadas que incluyen un conjunto de sesiones webinar dirigidas a estudiantes de doctorado, postdocs e investigadores en activo para reflexionar sobre los retos -y también oportunidades- que la incertidumbre actual plantea para el desarrollo de la identidad y la carrera profesional de los/las investigadores/as. Os animamos a participar en las mismas. Todos las sesiones son gratuitas! Las sesiones son en inglés, pero permiten la participación y gestión de preguntas tanto en español como en inglés.  Si tenéis dudas o consultas podéis contactar a: montserratcb@blanquerna.url.edu


Negotiating the uncertainty of researcher careers Free online event on Dec 10th and 11th (CET time)


How does early career researchers’ well-being matter and how to enhance it? By Kirsi Pyhältö (U. of Helsinki, Finland). December 10th. 10’00-10’45 (CET). 

Designed for early career researchers and their supervisors, the session will focus on research-based strategies and practices to enhance well-being among early career researchers. REGISTER HERE.

Supporting research ethics and integrity development in HE institutions. By Anu Tammeleht (U. Tallinn, Estonia) & Erika Löfström (U. Helsinki, Finland). December 10th. 11’00-11’45 (CET).

This session will give insights to research ethics competence development through evidence-based training resources and provide participants with an opportunity to try out some tasks themselves to gain first-hand experience on how the resource works. REGISTER HERE.

Early career researchers’ careers: sustaining research careers and employability. By Mathew Tata, representative of the European Council for Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers – EURODOC. December 10th. 12’00-12’45 (CET).

In this session, Mat will discuss what is needed to make a sustainable research career, and discuss what factors contribute to researcher ‘precarity’. Finally, Mat will explore how to remain employable in spite of the new challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. REGISTER HERE.

Gender & Science: Promoting women’s participation in the scientific community. By Núria Catalán CNRS-UMR, France; USGS, USA), Ada Pastor (Aarhus U., Denmark) and Sílvia Poblador (U. of Antwerp, Belgium), representatives of the Gender & Science AIL. December 10th. 13’00-13’45 (CET).

The Gender & Science AIL group aims at fostering women’s visibility within the scientific community and proposing recommendations for improving gender equality in institutions related with limnology. In this session, they will present the group and the activities they do, and they will present their last work aimed at examining women participation and visibility during scientific conferences. REGISTER HERE.

Managing your PhD to build your career. By Lynn McAlpine (Oxford U., UK & McGill U, Canada). December 10th. 16’00-16’45 (CET time). 

Have you ever wondered what else you could be doing to advance your PhD progress and outcomes? This session, designed for anyone doing a PhD but particularly those early on, will give you a chance to reflect on the effectiveness of your present strategies to advance. REGISTER HERE.

Transversal skills for doctoral candidates: universal for all professional paths?. Joan Josep Carvajal (Group for the Professionalization of the Doctorate, Postgraduate and Doctoral School – Universitat Rovira i Virgili). December 10th. 17’00-17’45 (CET time).

Which models of transversal skills do we have at present for doctoral candidates? Are these transversal skills universal for all professional paths for doctorate holders? We open a reflection about which transversal skills doctoral candidates have to develop to fuel their future professional careers. REGISTER HERE.

Getting along with my supervisor: Building a satisfactory relationship. By Gabriela González-Ocampo (UPAEP U., Mexico). December 10th. 18’00-18’45 (CET time).

This session will focus on how both doctoral researchers and supervisors can contribute to nurture and sustain this relationship, with reflection about the relationship with our supervisors and recognition of the challenges and achievements as key factors to enhance doctoral experience and learning. REGISTER HERE.

Access to the labor market for Doctors (PhD survey 2020). By Anna Prades i Nebot (AQU Catalunya, Spain). December 11th. 10’00-10’45 (CET time).

AQU Catalunya is presenting the results of the PhD Survey 2020 about the access to the labour market experienced by doctors graduating from Catalan universities, and the trends in the labor market conditions and the satisfaction with PhD training since 2008. REGISTER HERE.

Publish or perish. By Alexander Hasgall (European University Association Council for Doctoral Education). December 11th. 11’00-11’45 (CET time).

The “publish and perish” culture ruling the academy prevents academics from engaging in other activities and forms of communicating their research, and impacts their self-perception. The session will focus these problems, but also discuss alternative approaches to (academic) career assessment that enable early career researchers to develop their full potential. REGISTER HERE.

Precarious careers: postdoctoral researchers in the Netherlands. By Inge van der Weijden (Leiden U, The Netherlands). December 11th. 12’00-12’45 (CET time).

The session will review how, in the context of labour market instability, postdoctoral researchers experience their working conditions and their prospects and opportunities, in relation to their wellbeing. We will discuss the dual controversy postdocs face in dealing with it and the main stress factors. REGISTER HERE.

PhD Holders in Non-Academic Careers. By Kelsey Inouye (Oxford & Lancaster U., UK). December 11th. 15’00-15’45 (CET time).

This session will explore PhD holders’ non-academic careers in the UK and Switzerland and discuss strategies for finding positions, factors influencing career decision-making, and participants’ perceptions of the usefulness and relevance of their PhDs. REGISTER HERE.

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