Zulema Badenes


Dirección: Dres. Ester Miquel i David Duran

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

This study examines the impact of the Reading in Pairs, a peer tutoring programme, on oral
English skills among secondary students in Spain, focusing on enhancing speaking fluency and
pronunciation accuracy in learning English as a foreign language (EFL). To achieve the outlined
aims, a quasi-experimental study will be conducted.
The theoretical framework of this research is built on foundational studies. First, Sociocultural
Theory underlines the importance of social interaction in language learning. Second, specific
methodologies in English Language Teaching.Third, peer tutoring, as a form of peer learning.
Finally, the enhancement of oral production and pronunciation skills is essential for effective
communication. Together, these frameworks contribute to a holistic understanding of ESL
acquisition, emphasising interactive and collaborative learning methods.
This study aims to demonstrate that the Reading in Pairs programme can significantly enhance
ESL students’ oral communication skills, aligning with findings on the social benefits of peer
tutoring. Therefore, it is expected that the study’s results will demonstrate statistically significant
improvements in students’ oral fluency and pronunciation, underscoring the positive influence
of peer tutoring in language learning.

Peer tutoring, Foreign and Second Language Acquisition, speaking skills, Reading in Pairs

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