Students monitoring during the program
The program’s quality is ensured by various means and instruments. Among these, a students monitoring protocol stands out. This protocol has been designed with the twofold purpose. First, it intends to monitor the academic trajectory of the students; second, it should provide useful and relevant information for the assessment, revision, and progressive improvement of the program. This protocol includes a set of instruments which are available at the Virtual Community MIPE/DIPE.
The protocol includes the following phases, steps and instruments:
- After the first year of the program and right after the registration of the doctoral thesis project: personal information update; individual questionnaire for evaluation of the process of elaboration of the thesis project and its start.
- Every other year until thesis defense: personal information update; individual questionnaire about the process of elaboration of the thesis.
- After the program and after the thesis defense: personal information update; individual questionnaire for evaluation of the process of elaboration and guidance of the thesis, with suggestions for improvement.
Students and supervisors are individually informed about the results of these questionnaires. The responses are analysed at coordination meetings.