The present collection compiles all articles included under the section Prospectives, published in the Journal for the Study of Education and Development since 2012
The former Editors-in-Chief (2012-2017), Dr. Carles Monereo and Dr. Nora Scheuer, introduced this section to the journal’s audience summarizing its goals as follows:
“we intend to promote unpublished works of theoretical reflection written by renowned, internationally relevant authors […], and that present original, contrasting and/or controversial points of view.
The possible themes to feature in this section will comprise, among others:
-the prospective analysis of a thematic area with the goal of anticipating and advancing future developments and lines of research
-identifying and defending forgotten or marginal themes in a given field
-connecting supposedly distant theme areas
-proposals that foster interdisciplinary approaches
-articulated criticism of certain schools of thought
-new or alternative epistemological, methodological or professional approaches
-identifying and analyzing “invisible schools” that are nonetheless influencing current research
-disquisitions on scholarly writing or the meaning of impact in academic publishing
-uncommon or controversial views on usual problems, etc.
In short, works that make us rethink, refresh and renew our fields of research”
C. Monereo & N. Scheuer (2012). Editorial: Toma de perspectiva, para una visión prospectiva (2012–2017). Infancia y Aprendizaje, 131-134.
Almost ten years after the first Prospectives article was published, we wish to share with our readers this excellent collection of articles by some of developmental science’s more outstanding authors. We truly believe the goals set by Drs. Monereo and Scheuer* have been generously met, and that these pages indeed have made us rethink, refresh, and renew our research… and will continue to do so for many years to come
*We wish to express our gratitude to Carles and Nora for their vision and foresight in championing the creation and commissioning the first few years of this section, and to our current Editor, Dr. Barbara M. Brizuela, for continuing to add on to this legacy.
Analysis of children’s everyday language experiences using longform audio: promises and pitfalls (Análisis de las experiencias lingüísticas cotidianas de niños y niñas utilizando audio de formato largo: posibles ventajas y dificultades)
Melanie Soderstrom
Representations of violent pasts in memorial museums. Ethical reflection and history education (Las representaciones de pasados violentos en museos memoriales. Reflexión ética y enseñanza de la historia)
Ángela Bermúdez & Terrie Epstein
Tracing culture in children’s thinking: a socioecological framework in understanding nature (Rastreando la cultura en el pensamiento infantil: una socioecología para comprender la naturaleza)
Andrea S. Taverna, Douglas L. Medin & Sandra R. Waxman
Early algebraic thinking and the US mathematics standards for grades K to 5 / El pensamiento algebraico temprano y los estándares matemáticos en la Educación Primaria (6–12 años) en Estados Unidos
David W. Carraher & Analúcia D. Schliemann
MathemAntics: a model for computer-based mathematics education for young children / MathemAntics: un modelo de enseñanza de matemáticas asistida por ordenador para niños
Herbert P. Ginsburg, Renqiuwen (Eileen) Wu & Julie S. Diamond
Research perspectives in beginning literacy. Methodological and epistemic dichotomies / Prospectivas en investigación sobre alfabetización inicial. Dicotomías metodológicas y epistemológicas
Emilia Ferreiro
Idiosyncratic cases and hopes for general validity: what education research might learn from ecology / Casos idiosincrásicos y expectativas de validez general: lo que la investigación en educación puede aprender de la ecología
David Hammer, Julia Gouvea & Jessica Watkins
From reading comprehension to document literacy: learning to search for, evaluate and integrate information across texts / De la lectura a la alfabetización documental: aprender a buscar, evaluar e integrar información de diversos textos
Jean-François Rouet & Anna Potocki
Excellence and equity in high-performing education systems: policy lessons from Singapore and Hong Kong / Excelencia y equidad en sistemas educativos de alto rendimiento: lecciones de las políticas educativas en Singapur y Hong Kong
Saravanan Gopinathan & Michael H. Lee
Action knowledge and symbolic knowledge. The computer as mediator / Conocimiento basado en la acción y conocimiento simbólico. El equipo informático como mediador
Jeanne Bamberger
Re-thinking the dissertation and doctoral supervision / Reflexiones sobre la tesis doctoral y su supervisión
Anthony Paré
More than just fun: a place for games in playful learning / Más que diversión: el lugar de los juegos reglados en el aprendizaje lúdico
Brenna Hassinger-Das, Tamara S. Toub, Jennifer M. Zosh, Jessica Michnick, Roberta Golinkoff & Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
The role of vocabulary versus knowledge in children’s language learning: a fifty-year perspective / El papel del vocabulario frente al conocimiento en el aprendizaje lingüístico de los niños: una perspectiva de cincuenta años
Catherine E. Snow
Expansive learning on the move: insights from ongoing research / El aprendizaje expansivo en movimiento: aportaciones de la investigación en curso
Yrjö Engeström & Annalisa Sannino
Communication between teacher and child in early child education: Vygotskian theory and educational practice / La comunicación entre profesor y alumno en la educación infantil: la teoría vygotskiana y la práctica educativa
Nickolay Veraksa, Olga Shiyan, Igor Shiyan, Niklas Pramling & Ingrid Pramling-Samuelsson
Dialogic argumentation as a bridge to argumentative thinking and writing / La argumentación dialógica como puente para el pensamiento y la escritura argumentativa
Deanna Kuhn, Laura Hemberger & Valerie Khait
Give me a place to stand and I will move the world! Life-long learning in the digital age / Dadme un punto de apoyo y moveré el mundo: el aprendizaje permanente en la era digital
Edith K. Ackermann
Studying culture-cognition relations in collective practices of daily life: a research framework / El estudio de las relaciones cultura-cognición en las prácticas colectivas cotidianas: un modelo de investigación
Geoffrey B. Saxe
How research on self-regulated learning can advance computer supported collaborative learning / El papel de la investigación sobre aprendizaje autorregulado en el desarrollo del aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por ordenador
Sanna Järvelä
Peer tutoring: old method, new developments / Tutoría entre iguales: método antiguo, nuevos avances
Keith Topping
Academic competencies for the twenty-first century: plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose? / Competencias académicas para el siglo XXI: plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose?
William G. Tierney
School as an epistemic apprenticeship: the case of building learning power / La escuela como aprendizaje epistémico: el caso de construyendo el poder para el aprendizaje
Guy Claxton
Pathways from infancy to the community of shared minds / El camino desde la primera infancia a la comunidad de mentes compartidas
Katherine Nelson
Understanding the lifelong journey of writing development
Charles Bazerman
Doctoral supervision: Not an individual but a collective institutional responsibility
Lynn Mcalpine
Pourquoi la théorie des champs conceptuels?
Gérard Vergnaud
Model based reasoning and the learning of counter-intuitive science concepts
Stella Vosniadou
Self-consciousness and “conscientiousness” in development
Philippe Rochat
The child as anthropologist
Paul L. Harris
Learning without lessons: Opportunities to expand knowledge
Barbara Rogoff