Research Group on Culture, Education and Human Development, GRICEDH · UdG

Main researcher:
Esteban-Guitart, Moisés


Serra, Josep Maria; López-Ros, Victor; Palma, Montse; Llopart, Mariona; Waddington, Julie; Subero, David; Korol, Liliia; Castelain, Thomas; Font, Raquel; Zhang Yu, Cristina

Main research lines:

  • Family, school and community relationships (funds of knowledge and identity approach; 360 Education).
  • Analysis, design and development of educational practices based on personalized learning.
  • Psychosocial process and identity construction in social and cultural diversity settings.
  • Multilingual competence and intercultural education.
  • Identification and analysis of learning trajectories and meaningful learning experiences.
  • Analysis of teaching and learning process in physical education and sports.
  • Culture, education and reasoning.

Projects in progress:

Title: Community Funds of Knowledge and Identity. Articulating Education and Social Agents across Settings and Time (Comm4learning)
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, European Union, Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Main researcher: Dr. Moisès Esteban-Guitart
Start: 2022 End: 2025

Title: Platforming families – tracing digital transformations in everyday life across generations
Funding agency:European Union
Main researcher:Dr. Ola Erstad (coordinador general), Dr. Moisès Esteban-Guitart.
Start: 2022 End: 2025

Title: Pedagogy of concrete utopias: Fostering youth agency and climate activism in formal education
Funding agency:University of Helsinki, Finland
Main researcher: Dr. Antti Rajala
Start: 2020 End: 2023

Selected publications (last 5 years):

Books and chapters

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2022). Fondos comunitarios de conocimiento e identidad. La articulación de tiempos, espacios y agentes educativos. En C. Magro (Ed.), Darnos aire. Repensando la educación desde los laboratorios ciudadanos (pp. 194-207). MediaLabPrado.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). Reptes I desafiaments de l’educació al segle XXI després de la COVID-19. Dins VV.AA., Observatori de l’educació local (pp. 16-23). Diputació de Barcelona.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). L’articulació d’espais i temps educatius: Les trajectories personals d’aprenentatge com a focus de l’acció educativa. Dins de C. Coll I B. Albaigés (dirs.), Anuari 2020. L’estat de l’educació a Catalunya. Fundació Bofill.

Subero, D. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). Understanding and developing Vygotsky’s legacy through the work of González Rey. In D. M. Goulart, A. Mitjáns i M. Adams (Eds.), Theory of Subjectivity from a Cultural-Historical Standpoint (pp. 105-117). Springer.

Waddington, J. (2021). Assessment for learning, learning for all: A case study in the foreign language classroom. In J. Rokita-Jaskow & A. Wolanin (Eds.), Facing Diversity in Child Foreign Language Education (pp. 157-178). Springer.

Waddington, J. (2021). Motivation in practice. In H. Mohebbi i C. Coombe (Eds.), Research questions in language education and applied linguistics. Springer.

Coll, C., Esteban-Guitart, M. i Iglesias, E. (2020). Aprenentatge amb sentit i valor personal. Estratègies, recursos i experiències de personalització educativa. Editorial Graó.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2019). Identity in education and education in identities. Connecting curriculum and school practice to students’ lives and identities. In P. Hviid, & M. Martsin (Eds). Culture in Education and Education in Culture (pp. 159-175). Springer.


Machancoses, M., Siqués, C. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2022). La participación de las familias en el context escolar. Un estudio cualitativo. Psicoperspectivas, 21, 1-12.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Iglesias, E., Lalueza, J. L., i Palma, M. (2022). Lo común y lo público en las prácticas de enseñanza desde la perspectiva de los fondos comunitarios de conocimiento e identidad. Revista de Educación, 395, 237-262.

Blochowiak, J., Castelain, T., Rodriguez-Villagra, O. A. i Musolino, J. (2022). If and only if people were logical! The effect of pragmatic enrichment on reasoning with abstract and realistic materials. Journal of Pragmatics, 197, 137-158.

Waddington, J. (2022). We are people, you know: childrens’ views on the use of video recordings in the EFL class. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52, 495-517.

Waddington, J. (2022). Rethinking the ideal native speaker in early childhood education. Langauge, Culture and Curriculum, 35, 1-17.

Waddington, J., Bannikova, D. (2022). Children’s and teachers’ views on digital games in the EFL classroom. ELT Journal, 76, 44-57.

Ordoñez, D., Siqués, C. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). The best way to learn language is by not doing language. Incorporating funds of identity for learning Spanish in a shared education unit. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24, 1259-1270.

González-Ceballos, I., Palma, M., Serra, J. M. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). Meaningful learning experiences in everyday life during pandemics. A qualitative study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-15.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). Advancing the funds of identity theory. A critical and unfinished dialogue. Mind, Culture and Activity, 28, 169-179.

González-Patiño, J. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). La transformación hacia experiencias expandidas en educación superior: curso #UAMskills de identidad digital. RED: Revista de Educación a Distancia, 21(65), 1-24.

Waddington, J., Siqués, C., Carolà, M., Jimenez, M. (2020). A funds of knowledge approach to promoting school engagement. Psicologia em Pesquisa, 14, 132-148.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Iglesias, E., González-Patiño, J. i González-Ceballos, I. (2020). La personalización educativa en tiempos de cambio e innovación educativa. Un ejemplo ilustrativo. Aula Abierta49(4), 395-404.

Esteban-Guitart, M., DiGiacomo, D. K., Penuel, W. R. i Ito, M. (2020). Principios, aplicaciones y retos del aprendizaje conectado. Contextos Educativos26, 157-176.

Subero, D. (2020). Funds of identity and subjectivity: finding new paths and alternatives for a productive dialogue. Studies in Psychology41(1), 74-94.

Subero, D. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2020a). Hacia una psicología de la experiencia. Aportaciones de la psicología transaccional y la teoría de la subjetividad. Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología31(1), 20-35.

Subero, D. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2020b). Más allá del aprendizaje escolar: El rol de la subjetividad en el enfoque de los fondos de identidad. Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria32(1), 213-236.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Monreal-Bosch, P., Palma, M. i González-Ceballos, I. (2020). Sustaining students’ identities within the context of participatory culture. Designing, implementing and evaluating an interactive learning activity. Sustainability12, 4870.

Iglesias, E., González-Patiño, J., Lalueza, J. L. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2020). Manifiesto en tiempos de pandemia: Por una educación crítica, intergeneracional, sostenible y comunitaria. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justícia Social, Social9(3e), 181-198.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Lalueza, J. L., Zhang-Yu, C. i Llopart, M. (2019). Sustaining students’ cultures and identities. A qualitative study based on the funds of knowledge and identity approaches. Sustainability11(12), 1-12.

González-Patiño, J. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2019). Affinity online: how connection and shared interest fuel learning. Mind, Culture, and Activity26(4), 383-386.

Gee, J. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2019). Designing for Deep learning in the context of digital and social media. Comunicar58, 9-18.

Waddington, J. (2019). Developing primary school students’ foreign language learner self-concepts. System, 82, 39-49.

Waddington, J. (2019). Teacher understanding and implementation of motivational strategies in ELT. ELT Journal, 72, 162-174.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018). The biosocial foundation of the early Vygotsky: Educational psychology before the zone of proximal development. History of Psychology, 21(4), 384–401.

Llopart, M. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018). Funds of knowledge in 21st century societies: Inclusive educational practices for under-represented students. A literature review. Journal of Curriculum Studies50, 145-161.

Llobet-Martí, B., López-Ros, V. i Vila, I. (2018). The analysis of interactivity in a teaching and learning sequence of rugby: The transfer of control and learning responsibility. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy23, 84-102.

Subero, D., Llopart, M., Siqués, C. i Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018). The mediation of teaching and learning process through identity artefacts. A Vygotskian perspective. Oxford Review of Education44, 156-170.

Selected talks at congresses and seminars (last 5 years):

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021, març). From funds of knowledge to funds of identity. Sustaining and articulating pedagogically learners’ voices and lived experiences. International Conference Funds of Knowledge for the 21st Century. Towards Pedagogical Justice in Diverse Societies. Liverpool Hope University, England.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2019, octubre). Funds of identity. Scope and challenges. University of California, Berkeley, USA.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2019, agost). De los fondos de conocimiento a los fondos de identidad. La subjetivación de la práctica educative. CIPCUBA. 37 Congreso Interamericano de Psicología. Cuba.

Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018, setembre). What is 360Education and what can it look like? University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.


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