Research group on peer-learning, SINTE-GRAI · UAB


Main researcher:

David Duran Gisbert


Mariona Corcelles (URL), Marta Flores (UAB), Ester Miquel (UAB), Vanessa Valdebenito (UCT), Maite Oller (DE). PhD students: Jesús Ribosa, Clara Bastart, Andrea Fernández, Félix Quiñones, y Julia Quiroz.

Main lines of research developed by the group

  • Design of educational programmes based on peer tutoring (Leemos y escribimos en pareja; Razonar en pareja and Reading in pairs) and training in networks of schools that put them into practice.
  • Cooperative learning in curriculum areas. Teachers’ training in primary and secondary education.
  • Research on peer learning -understanding students as peers, but also teacher that work together: Co-teaching and peer observation. Educational implications of “learning by teaching”.

Projects (last 5 years)

Project: Observación entre iguales como desarrollo profesional docente: hacia una cultura colaborativa
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal investigator: David Duran
From 1/9/21 to 22/9/23.

Project: Co-teaching: as an instrument for primary students’ individual attention and as an instrument for learning among teachers
Funding agency: AGAUR
Principal investigator: David Duran
From 30/09/2016 to 30/09/2018.

Project : Viver d’Aprenentatge Comunitari
Funding agency: (AEIRaval)
Principal investigator: David Duran
From 15/10/2018 to present.

Project: Teacher training, implementation, and research in peer tutoring programmes with education administrations from Catalonia.
Funding agency: Departament d’Educació
Principal investigator: David Duran
From 1/10/2017 to present.

Project: Counselling to Core Competencies Network (Xarxa de Competències Bàsiques) about teacher peer learning
Funding agency: Generalitat de Catalunya
Principal investigator: David Duran
From 17/12/2020 to present.

Selected publications (last 5 years):


Duran, D. (Coord.), Flores, M., Oller, M., Corcelles, M., Miquel, E., & Blanch, S. (2018). Llegim i escrivim en parella: Tutoria entre iguals, amb implicació familiar, per a la competència comunicativa. Horsori.

Duran, D., & Topping, K. J. (2017). Learning by teaching: Evidence-based strategies to enhance learning in the classroom. Routledge.

Topping, K., Buchs, C., Duran, D., & Van Keer, H. (2017). Effective peer learning: From principles to practical implementation. Routledge.

Book chapters

Duran, D., & Miquel, E. (2019). Preparing teachers for collaborative classrooms. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.

Duran, D. (2018). Aprendizaje entre iguales: Evidencias, instrumento para la inclusión y aprendizaje del alumno que ofrece ayuda. In J. C. Torrego y C. Monge (Coords.), Inclusión educativa y aprendizaje cooperativo (pp. 173-199). Editorial Síntesis.

Journal articles

Ribosa, J. & Duran, D. (2022). Do students learn what they teach when generating teaching materials for others? A meta-analysis through the lens of learning by teaching. Educational Research Review, 37.

Fernández-Barros, A., Duran, D. & Viladot, L. (2022). Peer tutoring in Music Education: A literature review. International Journal of Music Education, Apr 2022. OnlineFirst.

Ribosa, J. & Duran, D. (2022). Students creating videos for learning by teaching from their scientific curiosity. Research in Science & Technological Education.

Duran D. &  Vázquez  A.  (2021). Implementing Peer Tutoring for the Development of Empathy in Nursing Education. Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, 39(2):e07.

Duran, D., Flores, M., Ribas, T., & Ribosa, J. (2021). Student teachers’ perceptions and evidence of peer learning through co-teaching: Improving attitudes and willingness towards co-teaching. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 36(2), 495-510.

Duran, D., Flores, M., Ribas, T., & Ribosa, J. (2020). Student teachers’ perceptions and evidence of peer learning through co-teaching: Improving attitudes and willingness towards co-teaching. European Journal of Psychology of Education. Advance online publication.

Duran, D., Ribosa, J., & Sánchez, G. (2020). Peer tutoring for improvement in rhythm reading fluency and comprehension. International Journal of Music Education38(2) 299-312.

Duran, D., Corcelles, M., Flores, M., & Miquel, E. (2020). Changes in attitudes and willingness to use co-teaching through pre-service teacher training experiences. Professional Development in Education, 46(5), 770-779.

Duran, D., Flores, M., & Miquel, E. (2019). The teacher’s role during cooperative learning: Should I leave the classroom when students are independently working in teams? Journal of Classroom Interaction, 54(2), 25-40.

Duran, D., Flores, M., Oller, M., y Ramírez, M. (2019). Reading in pairs: Description and results of a peer tutoring program for English as a foreign language. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(4), 303-317.

Duran, D., Corcelles, M., & Flores, M. (2017). Enhancing expectations of cooperative learning use through initial teacher training. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 6(3), 278-300.

Duran, D. (2017). Learning-by-teaching: Evidence and implications as a pedagogical mechanism.Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(5), 476-484.

Miquel, E., & Duran, D. (2017). Peer Learning Network: Implementing and sustaining cooperative learning by teacher collaboration. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(3), 349-360.

Ribosa, J., & Duran, D. (2017). Cooperación, juego y matemáticas: Análisis de la aplicación del Tridio Cooperativo con alumnado de primaria. PNA, 11(3), 205-231.

Selected papers given at congresses and seminars

Flores, M.; Duran, D.; Corcelles, M.; Miquel, E.; Ribosa, J. (1 Julio, 2022). Percepciones docentes en una práctica de observación entre iguales en enseñanza primaria y secundaria. CIMIE 22. X Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinar de Investigación Educativa. Universitat de Barcelona.

Corcelles, M., Ribosa, J., Oller, M., Duran, D. (2022, 17 June). Reading and writing in pairs: A peer tutoring program for writing in compulsory education. 13 th ARLE 2022: Transformations in L1 education: Current challenges and future possibilities. International Association for Resarch in L1 Education. University of Cyprus.

Duran, D. (2021, 3 de diciembre). Aprendizaje entre iguales e inclusión. Comunicación oral invitada en I Congreso Internacional en Interculturalidad, Inclusión y Equidad en Educación, Universidad de Salamanca. Celebrado en On-line del 1 al 3 de diciembre del 2021.

Miquel, E. Duran, D. Corcelles, M. & Ribosa, J. (2021, 24 August). Peer observation as a teacher professional development mechanism: Participant teachers’ perception. Paper 19th EARLI Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (Online): “Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the shaping of futures”. Leuven (Belgium), On-line.

Ribosa, J., & Duran, D. (2020, December 11). Percepciones de estudiantes de primaria sobre la regulación de su aprendizaje en un proyecto cooperativo de creación de videotutoriales para aprender enseñando [Virtual paper]. XIV Congreso Internacional de Educación e Innovación, Coimbra.

Ribosa, J., & Duran, D. (2020, November). Proyecto Bikos: Curiosidad científica y creación de vídeos para aprender enseñando [Virtual paper]. 1er Congreso Internacional sobre Educación Científica y Problemas Relevantes para la Ciudadanía, Màlaga, Espanya. November 12-13.

Fernández-Barros, A., Viladot, L., & Duran, D. (2020). ¿Aprender enseñando? Un proyecto para el desarrollo de la afinación y de la percepción auditiva en alumnos de violín y viola.  Paper presented at VI Congreso CEIMUS de Educación e Investigación Musical (organised by IEM). February 28-29 and March 1, Zaragoza.

Duran, D., & Ribosa, J. (2019, November). “Learning by teaching: How can students learn by teaching their peers” (90 min.) Workshop in the IAIE Conference “Another Brick in the Wall: Transforming Education”. Amsterdam, Intercultural Association for Intercultural Education. November 11-15, 2019.

Duran, D. (2017, October). Evidencias sobre la efectividad del aprendizaje cooperativo: síntesis de metaanálisis y relación con educación inclusiva. Invited paper presented at I Congreso Internacional de Inclusión y Mejora Educativa. Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), 25-27/10/2017.

Miquel, E. Duran, D., & Flores, M. (2017, September). Teacher Collaboration as a central axis of the Staff-development Model Peer Learning Network. Paper presented at Invited Symposium: Interaction-based interventions that transform learning. Al 17th Biennal EARLI Conference, August 29 to September 2, 2017, Tampere, Finland.

Flores, M, Duran, D., & Miquel, E. (2017, June). Potencialidades y dificultades de la docencia compartida en el aula universitaria. Paper presented at VI Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinar de Investigación Educativa. Bilbao, June 29-30, 2017.


Fernández-Barros, A. (2021). Oídos a pares: Un proyecto basado en la tutoría entre iguales como herramienta de estudio para trabajar la afinación en alumnos de violín y viola. Tesis doctoral dirigida per David Duran i Laia Viladot. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Vázquez-Rivas, A. (2017). La tutoría entre iguales como intervención cooperativa para el desarrollo de la empatía en el ámbito de ciencias de la enfermería. Doctoral thesis supervised by David Duran. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

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