Research group on academic reading and writing strategies, SINTE-Lest · URL

Principal investigator:

Castelló Badia, Montserrat


Liesa, Eva (URL), Mayoral, Paula (URL), Cano, Maribel (URL), Corcelles, Mariona (URL), Iñesta, Anna (URL), Pardo, Marta (URL), Sala-Bubaré, Anna (URL) , Suñé-Soler, Núria (URL-UAB), Giralt, Mireia (URL-UAB), Meneses, Carla (PhD Scholar), Díaz, Laura (PhD Scholar).

Main lines of research developed by the group:

  • Learn to write academic and scientific texts. The situated and collaborative regulation of the writing process.
  • Advice and educational improvement of teaching and learning processes.
  • The construction of the identity of teachers and researchers.

Projects (2016-2021):

Project: Research identity and career paths – RICAT
Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Education, Spain
Principal Investigator: Montserrat Castelló
Duration: 2020-2024

Project: Evaluation of educational entities a l’obtenció del segell de qualitat
Funding entity: Consell d’Innovació Pedagògica de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Principal Investigator: Dra. Eva Liesa
Duration: 2020-2021

Project: Educate and raise awareness in schools to prevent and confront gender violence. Develop and implement a training program for teachers and other school professionals.
Reference: SEP-210559967
Principal Investigator: Marita Husso
Duration: 2019-2021

Project: Assessment of students’ entrepreneurship competences in Andorra
Funding entity: Government of Andorra
Co-Principal Investigator: Dra. Montserrat Castelló.
Duration: 2018-2021

Project: Publication of early career researchers and dissemination of research in contexts and cultures.
Funding entity: Ramon Llull University.
Reference: 2019-URL-Proj-006
Principal Investigator: Montserrat Castelló
Duration: 2019-2020

Project: Teacher in identity and research competence: a basic training model in formal educational practices.
Funding entity: FPCEE Blanquerna.
Reference: APR-FPCEE1920 / 03
Principal Investigator: Dra. Eva Liesa
Duration: 2019-2020

Project: The development of the research competence of future students through a training model based on formal educational practices.
Funding entity: Ramon Llull University.
Reference: 2020-URL-Proj-044
Principal Investigator: Dra. Eva Liesa
Duration: 2019-2020

Project: Development of researcher identity: Strengthening science strategies in society (RID-SSISS)
Funding entity: Erasmus + program of the European Union. Horizon 2020 Program
Reference: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038303
Principal Investigator: Montserrat Castelló
Duration: 2017-2020

Project: Training of supervisors: a center for collaboration and internationalization
Funding entity: 05098 – Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
Reference: 202100-2973
Principal Investigator: Juha Niemenhen, Karolinska Institute.
Duration: 2016-2019

Project: The construction of the research activity of future students during the initial training of seva: a proposal to intervene in practices.
Funding entity: FPCEE Blanquerna.
Reference: APR-FPCEE1819 / 02
Principal Investigator: Dra. Eva Liesa
Duration: 2018-2019

Project: The construction of research identity: it evolved from the research conceptions of doctoral students at CCSS to the length of the seva formative trajectory.
Funding entity: FPCEE Blanquerna.
Reference: APR-FPCEE1718 / 03
Principal Investigator: Dra. Eva Liesa
Duration: 2017-2018

Project: Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems – Effective Financing Tools to Reduce Disparity in Education – FPIES.
Funding entity: 4922 – European Agency for Special Needs and Integrated Education
Reference: 562142-EPP-1-2015-1-DK-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
Principal Investigator: Amanda Watkins, European Agency for Development at SNE.
Duration: 2016-2018

Project: COST Action IS1401: Strengthening the capacities of Europeans through the establishment of the European literacy network
Funding entity: European cooperation in science and technology (ISCH COST Action IS1401)
Principal Investigator: Dra. Montserrat Castelló
Duration: 2014-2018

Project: Formation of the identity of the new researcher in CCSS (FINS)
Financing entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. DGICyT. R+D+i Program Oriented to the Challenges of Society. (CSO2013-41108-R)
Principal Investigator: Montserrat Castelló Badia
Duration: 2014-2017

Project: Development of the identity of new researchers in Social Sciences through the analysis of critical incidents during the last period of training.
Funding entity: FPCEE Blanquerna
Reference: APR-FPCEE1617 / 02
Principal Investigator: Dra. Eva Liesa
Duration: 2016-2017

Project: The competition of learning to learn. From the university to the elementary school.
Financing entity: AGAUR
Reference: 2014 ARMIF 00013
Principal Investigator: Dra. Eva Liesa
Duration: 2014-2016

Publications (last 5 years):

Books and chapters

Badia, A ., Liesa, E. &, Toom, A. (2021, in press). The identity of the teacher in compulsory education. In Monereo, C. (ed.) The identity of education professionals. Positioning, training and innovation. Information Age Publishing (IAP).

Bañales, G., Castelló, M. and Vega, N. (Coords.). (2016). Teach reading and writing in higher education. Educational proposals based on research. Series: Language, Education and Innovation (LEI). Editions SM / CeIDEA / U.A.T, Mexico

Castelló, M., Pyhältö, K., & McAlpine, L.  (2017). European Cross-National Mixed-Method Study on Early Career Researcher Experience (Chapter 7).  In A.J. Jaeger & A. J. Dinin (Eds.), The Postdoc Landscape. The Invisible Scholars (pp. 143-174). Academic Press, Springer.

Corcelles, M., Castelló, M. & Mayoral, P. (2016).  El desarrollo de la voz del escritor: argumentar en los estudios de postgrado. En I. Ballano y I. Muñoz (coords.), La escritura académica en las universidades españolas (pp. 1-17). Deusto digital

Liesa, E., Giralt-Romeu, M. & Ligorio, B. (2021, in press).  The identity of Student-teachers: becoming a professionals. En Monereo, C. (ed.) The Identity of Education Professionals. Positioning, training & innovation. Information Age Publishing (IAP).


Badia, A., Liesa, E., Becerril, L., & Mayoral, P. (2020). A dialogical self approach to the conceptualisation of teacher-inquirer identity. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-15.

Badia, A., Liesa, E., Becerril, L., & Mayoral, P. (2020). Five ways of being a schoolteacher. Quaderns de Psicologia, Vol. 22, Nro. 2, e1563, DOI:

Badia, A.,& Liesa, E. (2020). Experienced teachers’ identity based on their I-positions: an analysis in the catalan context. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-16. DOI:

Bautista, A., & Castelló, M. (2017). Fostering the professional development of junior authors and reviewers in scientific journals/Contribuyendo al desarrollo profesional de autores y revisores noveles en revistas científicas. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 40, 3, 383-406.

Canelo, J. ,& Liesa, E. (2020). Els incidents crítics a les aules de practicum universitari. Revista Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació, 52, 43-56. DOI:

Cano, M., & Castelló, M. (2016). Development of argumentative discourse based on learning demand / Evolución del discurso argumentativo en función de la demanda de aprendizaje. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 39 (1), 1-84.

Castelló, M., McAlpine, L., & Pyhältö, K. (2017). Spanish and UK post-PhD researchers: Writing perceptions, well-being and productivity. Journal of Higher Education Research & Development, 1-15.

Castelló, M., McAlpine, L., Sala-Bubaré, A., Inouye, K., & Skakni, I. (2020). What perspectives underlie ‘researcher identity’? A review of two decades of empirical studies. Higher Education.  DOI:

Castelló, M., Pardo, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Suñe-Soler, N. (2017). Why do students consider dropping out of doctoral degrees? Institutional and personal factors. Higher Education, 74, 6, 1055-1068.

Castelló, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Bautista, A. (2017). Being a researcher is not only a matter of publishing: learning to review scientific articles. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 40, 3, 599-656.

Corcelles, M., Cano, M., Liesa, E., Gonzalez-Ocampo, G., & Castelló, M.(2019). Positive and negative experiences related to doctorate studies conditions. Journal of Higher Education Research & Development, 38:5, 922-939.

Corcelles, M., Cano, M., Castelló, M., & Mayoral, M. (2017). Enseñar a escribir un artículo científico mediante la revisión colaborativa: percepciones de los estudiantes. Revista Signos, 50, 95. 337-360.  DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2020.1794924.

Gallego, L., Castelló, M., & Badia, A. (2017). Faculty identity through spheres of teaching and research activity and associated genres. Higher Education Research & Development. 36, 5, 962-974. ISSN: 0729-4360

Gallego, L, Castelló, M., &  Badia, A. (2016). Faculty feelings as writers: Relationship with writing genres, perceived competences, and values associated to writing. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research, 71(5), 719-734

Giralt-Romeu, M., Liesa, E., & Castelló, M. (2020). I research, you research: do future teachers consider themselves researchers? Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 1-37. DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2020.1759001

Giralt-Romeu, M., Liesa, E., Mayoral, P., & Becerril, L. (2020). Student teachers’ positioning with regard to their key learning experiences in the first practicum. Quaderns de Psicologia, 22,2 e1570, DOI: 1570

Liesa, E., & Mayoral, P. (2019). Pot haver-hi innovació sense recerca? Una proposta des de les comunitats d’indagació. Revista Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació, 50, 59-72.

Liesa, E., & Mayoral, P. (2020). Els processos d’indagació cooperativa en els centres escolars: valoració d’algunes experiències. Revista Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació, 53, 84-95. DOI:

Lohktina, I., Löfström, E., Cornér, S., & Castelló, M. (2020).  In pursuit of sustainable co-authorship practices in doctoral supervision: Addressing the challenges of writing, authorial identity and integrity. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2020.1799839

Martínez-Fernández, J.R., Corcelles, M., Bañales, G., Castelló, M., & Gutiérrez Braojos, C. (2016). Exploring conceptions about writing and learning: undergraduates´ patterns of beliefs and the quality of academic writing. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 14,1, 107-130.

McAlpine, L., Castelló, M., & Pyhältö, K. (2020). What influences PhD graduate trajectories during the degree: A research-based policy agenda. Higher Education. DOI:

McAlpine, L., Pyhältö, K., & Castelló, M. (2018). Building a more robust conception of early career researcher experience: what might we be overlooking? Studies in Continuing Education, 40, 2, 149-165.

McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., Sala-Bubaré, A., Weise, C., & Inouye, K. (2021). Examining cross-national research teamwork: Revealing rewards and challenges. Qualitative Research Journal.

Monereo, C., & Liesa, E. (2020). Early career researchers’ identity positions based on research experiences. Higher Education Research & Development. DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1835834

Pardo, M., & Castelló, M. (2016). Teaching writing for learning in the university: a proposal based on collaborative review / Enseñar a escribir para aprender en la universidad: una propuesta basada en la revisión colaborativa. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 39, 3, 574-589.

Pyhältö, K., McAlpine, L., Peltonen, J., & Castello, M. (2017). How does social support contribute to engaging post-PhD experience?. European Journal of Higher Education, 1-15.

Pyhältö, K., Peltonen, J., Castelló, M., & McAlpine, L. (2019). What sustains doctoral students’ interest? Comparison of Finnish, UK and Spanish doctoral students’ perceptions. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.

Sala-Bubaré, A., & Castelló, M. (2017). Exploring the relationship between doctoral students’ experiences and research community positioning. Studies in Continuing Education, 39, 1, 16-34.

Sala-Bubaré, A., & Castelló, M. (2018). Writing regulation processes in higher education: a review of two decades of empirical research. Reading and Writing, 31, 4, 757-777.

Sala-Bubaré, A., Peltonen, J., Pyhältö, K., & Castelló, M. (2018). Doctoral candidates’ research writing perceptions profiles: A cross-national study. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 13, 327-345.

Sala-Bubaré, A., Skakni, I., Inouye, K., Weise, C., & McAlpine, L. (2020). Early career researchers making sense of their research experiences: A cross-role and cross-national analysis. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. doi:10.1080/03057925.2020.1834349

Skakni, I., Calatrava Moreno, M., Corcelles, M., & McAlpine, L. (2019). Hanging tough: Post-PhD researchers dealing with career uncertainty. Journal of Higher Education Research and Development, 38:7, 1489-1503, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2019.1657806

Weise, C., Aguayo–González, M. & Castelló, M. (2020, in press). Significant events and the role of emotion along doctoral researcher personal trajectories. Educational Research

Participation in conferences and seminars (last 5 years):

Year 2019

Castelló, M. (2019). El rol de la escritura (y la lectura ) en la Educación Superior. Conferència invitada. Vicerectorado de Investigación. Universidad Católica de Concepción. Concepción. Chile.

Castelló, M. (2019). Enraonar i raonar: com el llenguatge transforma el pensament. Conferència invitada. Celebració del centenari de l’Ateneu. Tàrrega, Spain.

Castelló, M. (2019). Luces y sombras de la formación de investigadores en España y su contraste en el contexto internacional. Conferencia de directores de escuelas de doctorado españolas. Santander, ESPANYA

Castelló, M. (2019). Repensar la docència. Conferencia a Equips directius de la Fundació Blanquerna. Barcelona, Spain.

Castelló, M. (2019). Students’ research writing: Why, When and How? Conferencia invitada. 10th conference of the European Association on Teaching Academic Writing, EATAW. Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, SWEDEN”

Giralt, M., Liesa, E. & Castelló, M. (2019). Teacher’s professional identity as inquirer’s: The voice of teacher educators. 3rd EuroSoTL Conference.

McAlpine, L. Inouye, K., Skakni, I., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Weise, C. (2019, April). Effectively conducting cross-national research with cross-national teams: Trust, quality communication and cross-cultural sensitivity. In L. McAlpine (Chair). Findings and reflections from a cross-National, cross-role (Ph.D., Post-Ph.D. researchers) research program: Possibilities and challenges. Symposium conducted at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto.

McAlpine, L., & Castelló, M. (2019). Findings and Reflections From a Cross-National, Cross-Role (PhD, Post-PhD Researchers) Research Program: Possibilities and Challenges. AERA 2019 Conference. Toronto (Canada)

McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., Sala Bubare, A., Weiz, C., Inouye, K., & Cornér, S. (2019). Symposium “Findings and Reflections From a Cross-National, Cross-Role (PhD, Post-PhD Researchers) Research Program: Possibilities and Challenges”. Presentation: Assessing cross-national research with cross-national teams: Trust, quality communication and cross-cultural sensitivity. AERA annual meeting, 5-9.4.2019: Leveraging Education Research in a post-truth era. Toronto, Canada.

McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., Sala-Bubaré, A., Weise, C., & Inouye, K. (2019). Assessing (cross-national) research team effectiveness: A potential framework?  Paper presented at AERA conference. Toronto, Canada.

Pyhältö, K., Peltonen, J., McAlpine, L., Löfström, E., & Castelló, M. (2019). Comparing European country experiences on researcher community and supervisory support and burnout. AERA 2019 Annual Meeting, 5.-9.2019, Toronto, Canada.

Sala-Bubaré, A. & Castelló, M. (2019). “It’s Like Having Lots of Bricks”: Doctoral Students’ Research Perceptions and Writing Development. AERA 2019 Conference. Toronto (Canada), Abril 2019.

Sala-Bubaré, A., Skakni, I., Inouye, K., Weise, C.,& McAlpine, L. (2019). Early Career Researchers’ Meaning-Making of Research Experiences: A Cross-Role Analysis Using Cross-National Data. AERA 2019 Conference. Toronto (Canada), Abril 2019.

Year 2018

Castelló, M. (2018). El rol de la escritura (y la lectura) en la educación superior. Conferència invitada. Escribir y leer en la Universidad. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PUCP. Lima, PERÚ

Castelló, M. (2018). La evaluación (y la enseñanza) de la escritura: ¿Qué, cuándo, cómo y por qué?/ Writing Assessment (and teaching). Conferència inaugural. Conferencia Iberoamericana de Lectura y Escritura, Cátedra Unesco. Cuenca, Ecuador.

Castelló, M., & McAlpine, L. (2018). Examining ‘research’ genres: Developing paths to success. 16th EARLI Sig-Writing Conference. Antwerp, Belgium.

Castelló, M., & Petric, B. (2018). Exploring dissertation/thesis writing from the students’ perspective: The ‘what’, the ‘how’, and the ‘why. Symposium. The Literacy Summit.

Castelló, M., Petric, B., & Donahue, C. (2018). Thesis supervision and students’ academic literacy practices: Insights from qualitative research. Symposium. 16th EARLI Sig-Writing Conference

Sala-Bubaré, A. (2018). Peer review. Invited workshop. EARLI SIG REaC meeting: Unpacking and exploring researcher communication: implications for inquiry into ECR experience. Copenhagen (Denmark), Setembre 2018.

Sala-Bubaré, A., Castelló, M., Corcelles, M., & Oliva, A. (2018). Making meaning of doctoral students’ writing challenges and their impact on conceptions, processes and texts. 1st Literacy Summit. Practice x science x technology. Porto (Portugal), Octubre 2018.

Sala-Bubaré, A., Pardo, M., & Castelló, M. (2018). Post-docs’ approaches to writing: Relationship between conceptions, experiences and networks. EARLI SIG Writing 2018 conference. Antwerp (Belgium), Agost 2018.

Year 2017

Castelló, M. & Lindgren, E. (2017). Science with and for societies in Horizon 2020: What are the implications for writing research? 17th Biennial European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Education in the crossroads of economy and politics. Role of research in the advancement of public good. Tampere, Finland.

Castelló, M. (2017). Compartir per aprendre. Conferència inaugural. 38ª Escola d’estiu del Vallès Occidental. Generalitat de Catalunya. Cerdanyola, SPAIN

Castelló, M. (2017). Estrategias para gestionar y regular el propio aprendizaje: ¿Cuándo, cómo y por qué? Teaching day. ESADE. Barcelona, SPAIN

Castelló, M. (2017). L’alumnat: com aprèn. Jornada del Consell Escolar de Catalunya. Ara és demà. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, SPAIN

Castelló, M. (2017). Writing the Master Dissertation through developing authorial voice and authorship. Focus on processes and products. Conferència invitada. MALLL. Erasmus Mundus. London, UK.

Castelló, M., Brew, A., Boud, D., Van der Weijden, I. & Holley, K. (2017). What do we know about academic work today? Symposium. 17th Biennal EARLI, Tamprere-Finland.

Castelló, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., Suñé-Soler, N., & Pardo, M. (2017). Post-PhD researchers’ writer identity development: Relationship between conceptions and experiences. 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. TAMPERE (FINLAND), Agost 2017.

Gallego, L., Castelló, M. & Badia, A. (2017). ELT University teachers’ identity: repertories about teaching and research. X Coloquio internacional sobre investigación en lenguas extrenajeras.

González-Ocampo, G. & Castelló, M. (2017). The doctoral supervisor journey: experiences and feelings. 17th Biennial European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland.

Liesa, E., Corcelles, M., Cano, M., González-Ocampo, G. & Castelló, M. (2017). What are the most positive and negative significant events in the doctoral journey. 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. TAMPERE (FINLAND), Agost 2017.

Sala-Bubaré, A., & Castelló, M. (2017). Doctoral students’ regulation episodes when writing the first scientific article. WRITING RESEARCH ACROSS THE BOARDERS IV. BOGOTÀ (COLOMBIA), Febrer, 2017.

Sala-Bubaré, A., Castelló, M., Rijlaarsdam, G. (2017). Doctoral students’ writing regulation processes. 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction.         TAMPERE (FINLAND). Agost, 2017.

Skakni, I., Calatrava, M.C., Corcelles, M., & McAlpine, L. (2017, August). Reading the map of post-PhDs’ academic relations. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere.

Suñé-Soler, N., Monereo, C. & Castelló, M. (2017). Doctoral Support Networks: Characteristics and relationships with research conditions. Ponencia. Earli-Jure, Tampere-Finland.

Doctoral dissertations

Canelo, J. (2020). El rol de la indagación en la identidad profesional docente: situación actual y retos en la formación inicial. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Eva Liesa, Universidad Ramón Llull.

Giralt Romeu, M. (2020). El rol de la indagación en la identidad profesional docente. Situación actual y retos en la formación inicial. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Montserrat Castelló y Dra. Eva Liesa, Universidad Ramón Llull.

Sala-Bubare, A. (2018). Doctoral writing and development: A socially situated perspective. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Montserrat Castelló, Universidad Ramón Llull.

Alvarez Otero, B. (2018). Concepciones sobre aprender y enseñar a través de la escritura en clase de Cièncias Naturales. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Montserrat Castelló, Universidad Ramón Llull.

González Ocampo, G. (2017). Doctoral supervision and researcher development. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Montserrat Castelló, Universidad Ramón Llull.

Hernández, F. (2016). Relaciones entre competencias genéricas y géneros de escritura académica. Las percepciones de los estudiantes universitarios. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Montserrat Castelló, Universidad Ramón Llull.

Yacometi, O. (2016). Las Concepciones de los Estudiantes sobre el Aprendizaje de la Lectoescritura. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Montserrat Castelló, Universidad Ramón Llull.

Gallego, L. (2016).  Faculty Identity and Writing at University. Tesis doctoral dirigida por la Dra. Montserrat Castelló, Universidad Ramón Llull.


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