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Year: 2012
University: Universitat de Lleida
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Information-problem solving in Secondary Education: analyses of cognitive processes using Web information and their improvement through embedded instruction

Author: Esther Argelagós Castañ
Director: Dra. Manoli Pifarré
University: Universitat de Lleida
Year: 2012
Papers produced:

Argelagós, E., & Pifarré, M.  (2012). Improving Information Problem Solving skills in Secondary Education through embedded instruction. Computers in Human Behavior,  28, 515–526.

Argelagós, E., Jarodzka, H., & Pifarré, M. (2011, August). Measuring cognitive processes involved in web search: log files, eye-movements and cued retrospective reports compared. 14th EARLI Biennial Conference. Exeter, UK.

Argelagós, E., & Pifarré, M. (2009). Evaluating the use of metacognitive skills in information problem solving activities. IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. Proceedings of e-Learning. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS). Algarve, Portugal.

Pifarré, M., & Argelagós, E. (2008). Inquiry Web-Based learning to enhance information problem solving competence in science. En J. Zumbach, N. Schwartz, T. Seufert and L. Kester (Eds.). Beyond Knowledge: the legacy of competence (pp. 153-162). Reino Unido: Springer-Verlag.

Defended on 2012-04-24

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El uso de información WEB en el desarrollo de procesos de aprendizaje de conocimientos sociales. Un estudio empírico en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

Author: Alex Guijosa Guzmán
Director: Dr. Jaume Sanuy
University: Universitat de Lleida
Year: 2012
Papers produced:

Pifarré, M., Guijosa, A., and Argelagós, E. (In press). Using a blog to create and support a Community of Inquiry in Secondary Education. 
E-Learning and Digital Media

Sanuy Burgués, J. & Guijosa Guzmán, A. (2011)
. Resolviendo problemas de historia en y con la web. ÍBER. Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, 69. 

Guijosa, A., Sanuy, J., & Pifarré, M. (2009). Teaching digital competences in History in secondary education:  Learning to compose history texts through the Web. In IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. Proceedings of e-Learning. Algarve, Portugal. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS, (pp. 74-78).Algarve, Portugal.

Pifarré, M., Argelagós, E., Guijosa, A. (2010).
 Using the Affordances of Wiki to Support Collaborative Argumentation in Secondary Science Education. In Daniel S. Beckett (Ed.). Secondary Education in the 21st Century. NY: Nova Publishers.



Defended on 2012-06-06

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