Subject Matter 9. Specific fields of psycho-educational intervention and research


The use of external representations in school learning. 3 ECTS credits. University of Barcelona.

Intercultural education and educational attention to social diversity. 6 ECTS credits. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Psychoeducational care in social and community contexts. 6 ECTS credits. University of Girona.

Psycho-educational attention in social and minority contexts. 3 ECTS credits. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Interdisciplinary projects and intervention in diverse contexts.  3 ECTS credits. Autonomous University of Barcelona. 


  • External representation and school learning: External systems of representation as epistemic tools. External systems of representation in learning of science and math. Processes of appropriation of the number system. Tables, diagrams and graphics.
  • Socialization, learning and culture in minority communities. Culture, development and diversity in goals, values and educational practices. Scripts of aging, education, family and community. Immigration and construction of minority cultures. Culture and multiplicity of voices.
  • Psycho-educational attention in social and minority contexts: Programs for general family learning. Programs for mothers and fathers learning. Programs for family learning and relations family-school. Territorial integral educational plans. Environmental educational plans.
  • Psycho-educational attention at the kindergarten: the concept of childhood. Psycho-educational intervention in the first childhood. Institutions, administrations and services for attention to childhood. Child-adult interaction within family and institutions.

Requirements: Students must have successfully completed, or must be studying, at least one course out of Subject Matter 1 and one course out of Subject Matter 2 or 3.

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