Dear Doctoral Students,

We are pleased to inform you that registration is now open for the following online training courses

Manage bibliography with Zotero (advanced)

Ana Martínez

May 17, 2023, from 14 to 15:15 h

Register here

Conducting an ethnographic interview. A tool for qualitative data collection.

Mònica Martínez Mauri

May 22 and 23, 2023, de 16 a 18 h

Register here

Ethnography. A tool for understanding contemporary societies.

Lupicinio Íñiguez

May 24, 2023, from 16 to 20 h

Register here

Important! If you get a place and you are unable to attend, please contact with in order to give your place to the colleagues who have been left on the waiting list.

More Informatión:

Instituto de Desarrollo Profesional (IDP-ICE)

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