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Sistemas de apoyo universitario para la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad en Chile.

Author: Andrea Sepulveda
Director: Dra. Elisabet Alomar, Dra. Ingrid Sala y Dra. Montserrat Castelló
University: Universitat Ramon Llull
Year: 2018
Papers produced:

Sepúlveda-Ortega, A., & Magnitzky-Vargas, D. (2023). How do teachers of primary school approach the music assessment in Chile? Differences and similarities between professors’ experience and ministerial guidelines. British Journal of Music Education, 40(1), 80-95. doi:10.1017/S0265051722000109

Sepúlveda Ortega, A.; Sala-Bars, I. y Alomar-Kurz, E. (2022). Construyendo el concepto de calidad de vida vinculado a la experiencia de estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad. En P. Porto (Ed.), Livro de resumos (208). Escola Superior de Educação, Universidade do Porto.

Sepúlveda Ortega, A.; Sala-Bars, I. y Alomar-Kurz, E. (2021). Students with cognitive disabilities: how do they define their identity from their own expectations? En C. Monereo, C. Weise y H. Hermans (Eds.), Dialogicality: personal, local and planetary dialog in education, health, citizenship, and research (343-350). International Society for Dialogical Science.

Sepúlveda, A. (2020). Quedarse en casa no siempre significa estar a salvo. Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Defended on 2022-02-17