Subject Matter 8. Contexts of learning and educational practices in the information society


Environments, instruments and practices of virtual learning. 6 ECTS credits. University of Barcelona. Prof.: Anna Engel.

Lifelong learning: environments, practices and resources. 3 ECTS credits. University of Barcelona.


  • Impact and uses of ICT in formal education.
  • ICT and the new ecology of learning.
  • Learners of XXI century: digital literacy and culture.
  • Design of learning environments based on ICT.
  • Web 1.0, social web and semantic web: characteristics, software and educational uses.
  • From e-learning platforms to personal environments of work and learning.
  • Adult learning: principles.
  • Practices, environments and resources for life long learning.
  • ICT and life long learning.

Requirements: Students must have successfully completed, or be studying, at least one course out of Subject Matter 1 and one course out of Subject Matter 2 or 3.

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