The idea for this book arose during Professor Wilsa Ramos’s postdoctoral studies at the University of Brasilia in the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona. The authors, affiliated with sociocultural psychology, conceived the collection of stories of significant and relevant experiences for the production of knowledge at the intersection of the fields of Psychology and Education.

The organizers privileged the selection of topics that are at the forefront of the discussion on innovative school experiences with a focus on learning and development processes, active methodologies, teaching strategies, and the personalization of learning.

In the organization of the book, an equitable division into two parts was chosen, with the first part consisting of the chapters of the authors from Spain, written in Spanish, followed by the chapters of the Brazilian authors, written in Portuguese. The chapters refer to primary and secondary education.

Wilsa Ramos presented the book within the framework of the II Simposio Iberoamericano y IV Nacional de Epistemología Cualitativa y Teoría de la Subjetividad, October 21, 2023:

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Ramos, W., y Engel, A. (2023). Experiências inovadoras na educação básica: relatos de Espanha e Brasil. Editora CRV.

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