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Societal, economic, cultural and technological changes during the last decades throughout developed countries have promoted the emergence of new spaces and collectives of psycho-educational intervention and research in line with new educational spaces and contexts. Thus, the number of researchers and professionals of psychology studying and intervening in educational scenarios other than the traditional ones (such as family and compulsory school), and working with collectives other than youth or children is steadily increasing.

In this context, the Post-Graduate of Educational Psychology, composed by the Interinstitutional Master of Educational Psychology (MIPE) and the Interinstitutional Doctorate of Educational Psychology (DIPE) is a joint initiative of four Catalan universities —Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaUniversitat de GironaUniversitat Ramon Llull and Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya—. It is addressed to students and professionals in search for an advanced, solid, both theoretic and practical further education in the contributions of psychological knowledge to the educational theory and practice.

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