En el marco de las actividades formativas organizadas por las comisiones académicas de los programas de postgrado MIPE y DIPE, la Dra. Eva Lindgren de la Umeå University (Suecia) impartirá el taller titulado:

“Mixed-methods or how to combine quantitative and qualitative data in intervention research”

  • Fecha: martes 20 de marzo
  • Hora: 9.30h – 12.00h
  • Lugar: Aula T105, Edificio La Tamarita, Universitat Ramon Llul.


This workshop will start off with an introduction to mixed-methods research (around 30 mins) after which the participants will be asked to form small groups and discuss how their current research may be informed by a mixed methods approach. Secondly the groups will design (outline) an intervention study based on one or more mixed-methods models.

If you have time read this paper as preparation:

Riazi, M. A., & Candlin, C. N. (2014) Mixed-methods research in language teaching and learning: Opportunities, issues and challenges. Language Teaching, 47, 135-173.

Eva Lindgren is a Professor of Language Teaching and Learning at the Department of Language Studies at Umeå University in Sweden. Her research interests include various aspects of education in relation to multilingualism, literacy (in particular writing), indigenous language contexts and discourses. She works in close collaboration with schools with interventions and mixed methods studies. Together with Janet Enever she recently published the book Early Language Learning: Complexity and Mixed Methods (Publisher: Multilingual Matters). Other publications include functional bilingualism (Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education), meaning-making across languages (Journal of Multilingualism), and interactional resources in L1/L2 writing (Journal of Second Language Writing).

Inscripciones: montserratcb@blanquerna.url.edu

Actualización: el taller se celebrará finalmente el martes 20 de marzo a las 9.30h de la mañana, en la misma ubicación programada.

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