Ihtesham Hussain


Dirección: Dra. Manoli Pifarré

Universitat de Lleida

In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can remember, recommend, and perform tasks faster than ever before, the role of human creativity has become more critical than mere memory retention. Creativity is no longer an abstract talent but a measurable, learnable, and achievable skill. At Viacocrea project, we aim to evaluate and enhance student creativity using advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI technologies.
Viacocrea employs a multi-phase approach to foster collaborative problem-solving among students. In this research, we will study how to analyse the textual data generated on the platform in terms of flexibility, originality, fluency, and elaboration using embedding models and NLP techniques.
Based on the data, this research will study how to generate dynamic learning analytics dashboards for teachers, offering insights into various dimensions of student cocreativity. These dashboards will have the main objective to empower educators to make informed decisions and tailor instructional strategies to foster students’ creativity. Simultaneously, students will have the opportunity to receive real-time, automated feedback designed to guide and enhance their cocreative thinking processes. User interaction design methodology will be used to design, implement and evaluate the impact of learning analytics dashboards on students’ cocreativy processes.
This research addresses the growing need for scalable, objective, and systematic methods to evaluate and cultivate creativity in educational settings. By integrating NLP and AI technologies, this research not only measures creativity but also nurtures it through actionable insights and feedback loops. This work contributes to advancing educational technology and promoting creativity as a fundamental skill for the future.

Creativity evaluation, sentence embedding models, natural language processing, learning analytics

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