The Organizing and Scientific Committees invite submissions for the 11th International Conference on the Dialogical Self (11th ICDS) to be held in Barcelona, Catalonia. The purpose of the conference is to create a forum for dialogue across the boundaries of specific (sub)disciplines that explore the possibilities and challenges related to the dialogical self.

  • When: 10-13th of june
  • Where: Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences Blanquerna (Ramon Llull University)
  • Program

The exploration of the dialogical self has a broad scope including such far-reaching areas as literary science, brain research, empirical psychology, and psychotherapeutic practice. It brings together different fields of psychology, such as personal, developmental, social, political, cultural, educational and clinical psychology. The researchers use the theory to make meaning of their practices increasingly. Across these diverse fields, the concept of the dialogical self provides an interdisciplinary platform for innovative research, theory, and practice.

The deadline for proposals is January 31st, 2020.

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