En el marco de las actividades formativas organizadas por las comisiones académicas de los programas de postgrado MIPE y DIPE, el Dr. Kenneth Silseth del Department of Education, University of Oslo, impartirá una conferencia titulad
Mobilizing students’ everyday experiences in instructional work
Fecha: 17 de diciembre
Hora: 17.00h
Conferencia virtual: mediante el software de videoconferencia Zoom. Se enviará por correo electrónico a las personas inscritas el enlace de acceso un día antes de la conferencia. Se ruega a los asistentes que por cortesía mantengan sus cámaras encendidas y sus micrófonos cerrados durante toda la conferencia.
Formulario de inscripción: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOAmFilZ67zrrSSiAbiOXmtYoz4Z6iQHVymG9A0Xt1y5UNQQ/viewform
How do teachers reflect on, orient to, and invoke students’ everyday experiences in different educational settings? In sociocultural research, there has been great interest in researching continuities and discontinuities between students’ everyday life and classroom practices (Beach, 1999; Coll & Falsafi, 2010; Erstad & Sefton-Green, 2013). Prior research has shown the benefits of including students’ everyday experiences, interests, and knowledge when working on academic issues in diverse subjects (Barton & Tan, 2010, Hammer, 2000; Silseth, 2018; Varelas et al., 2008). However, research has also identified tensions and challenges that might occur when such experiences are being invoked in classrooms (Polman, 2006; Zipin, 2009). In his lecture, Silseth will reflect upon these issues based on research projects he has been involved in during the last couple of years.
Kenneth Silseth is a professor at the Department of Education, University of Oslo. He is a member of Living and Learning in the Digital Age (LiDA), a multidisciplinary research group that explores children and young people’s learning, use of techonology and socialitzation in formal and informal learning contexts. Dr. Silseth studies learning and identity processes from dialogic and sociocultural perspectives. His research interests are related to classroom interaction, learning with technology, interaction analysis, everyday experiences and learning identity.