En el marc de les activitats del MIPE, i en el marc de les ajudes a la mobilitat acadèmica, aquest curs  ens visita el Dr. Rupert Wegerif (University of Exeter)

El Dr. Rupert Wegerif  impartirà el seminari “Technology, Thinking and Creativity: Education for the Knowledge Age”  que es durà a terme els dies 28, 29 y 30 de Març y 10 y 12 de Abril de 12h. a 14h a l’aula 2209 en el 2º pis de l’edifici Ponent, Facultat de Psicologia, Universitat de Barcelona.  El seminari s’impartirà en anglès. Els participants han de comprometre’s a assistir com a mínim al 80% de les sessions programades

Continguts del seminari

These seminars will explore the notion that the Knowledge Age requires a new kind of education focussing on flexible thinking and learning skills as well as the use of new media for communication and creativity. We will explore the idea of the Knowledge Age and various attempts to link education to the Knowledge Age including Bereiter’s account of education as knowledge building and the movement for teaching 21st Century Skills. We will also explore the connections between accounts of Education for the Knowledge Age and teaching for thinking and creativity. Three interrelated perspectives will be explored: developmental, cultural and pedagogical, with the aim of students developing and understanding of the important connections between them. Students will be introduced to (socio)constructivist, socio-cultural and dialogic views of learning and their implications for cognitive development. The relationship between technology, communication and cognition will be explored in depth.

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